Coming soon: colored Peerless handcuffs and leg irons. Colored handcuffs have been the biggest change in the handcuff market over the last several years. They are now quite popular, especially in corrections.
County jails move large numbers of prisoners between jail and court daily. They tend to lose a lot of handcuffs and leg irons in the process. Color coding the jail’s restraints helps keep them from showing up missing. Institutions with multiple units within a larger facility find them very useful for helping each unit keep its equipment.
While the ASP colored handcuffs use colored polymer overmold and Hiatt-Thompson uses powder coating, Peerless is using a different process that is durable and does not affect tolerances. Electrolytic Polyurethane Plating (EPP) full coats restraints inside and out without interfering with the lock mechanism or jaw swing-through.
The handcuffs are being resubmitted for NIJ approval and will be named model 750. Model 801 hinged handcuffs will be renamed 850. Model 7030 oversized handcuffs and Model 703 leg irons use the same numbers followed by the color. Available colors will be pink, blue, red, orange, and yellow.
The leg irons will be available within the next month. The handcuffs will be available in about 2 months. Handcuff Warehouse has been promised the first shipment. Look for them in the Peerless section soon: .